Instead of sending Christmas cards this year, we have donated money to Edge Housing instead who we have supported throughout 2024.
As you know this year, we have been supporting a local Oxford charity called Edge Housing who are an organisation that provide support and housing to rough sleepers and the vulnerably housed in Oxford. On Thursday we attended their Charity BBQ along with other supporters, to see how we can best support their amazing work going forward, and the sun came out for us,
14th November 2023 –Charity
We are delighted to announce that we are supporting Edge Housing who are an organisation that provides support and housing to rough sleepers and the vulnerably housed in #Oxford.
Delegate Wellness We work with an organisation, who support delegate wellbeing and mental health by providing Quiet Hubs and Zones at conferences and events. These are tranquil, supervised spaces where delegates can take time out and relax in a safe setting supported by hosts. If you would like more information, then do let us know and I can provide further detail and costings.
Tips for prioritising wellness at work
As we spend most of our lives at work, and, with the increasing ‘work from home’ culture in the wake of covid-19, there has never been a better time to prioritise your wellbeing at work.
Fresh air During the long months of the pandemic, millions of us turned to nature as a way of dealing with the effects of lockdown and there is no reason to stop now. Research supports the link between fresh air and its positive impact on mental health. Instead of sitting at your desk (home or office) at lunch, opt for a brisk 10–15-minute walk to help refresh your mind and body. It will relieve daily stress and boost your mood, leaving you feeling happier and more energised throughout the day. Why not try setting an alarm around lunch time?
Fitness Whether you enjoy a calming yoga session or a heart-pumping exercise class, the benefits of fitness for your mental and physical health are endless!
Maintaining a healthy diet Eating a balanced diet does much more for your mental health than you might think. Start your day with a nutritious breakfast, followed by slow-release carbohydrates such as brown rice, whole grain bread, and fresh fruit and vegetables for lunch. Stay hydrated – always keep a bottle of water on your desk throughout the day!
Mindfulness Mental and physical wellness go hand in hand. Think of mindfulness as a way to train your mind to stay still. Most of the time, our minds are wandering —thinking about the past or future, worrying about a deadline, or the next meeting which can cause anxiety. Stop for a moment, wherever you are, close your eyes, and take a deep breath in, calm your senses, and breathe out